• Profile 53786
  • Registered: 09/08/2018
    Last seen: 10/20/2023

Deck Officer
Deckhand Deck Officer Captain Moorer Maritime Traffic Operator
Uncertain availability
Job offers received: 3
Passport: Italy
Salary Not declared

Personal data
Single 26 years, Non fumo
Resident in: San Lorenzo al mare (IM) Italy
Sea experience
2 years 3 months
2 years 8 months on Seaman's Book
Seaman's book
1° category, Imperia, Officer
Certificates of Competency
II/1 CoC OOW unlimited
Education, languages
Nautical Institute
Italian English
IMO Courses / Certifications
STCW Basic Training (4 courses)
Advanced Firefighting
First Aid
Survival Craft and Rescue Boats (Not Fast)
Radar Obs./Plottin
Radar A.R.P.A.
Ship Security Officer
ECDIS (Electronic Chart)
Bridge Team Work
Pass. Ships Training
Awareness Famil. to Security
Ro/Ro Pass. Ships Training
Oil Chem. Gas Familiariz.
Oil Chem. Gas Safety
Advanced Oil Tanker
Advanced Chem. Tanker
Advanced Gas Tanker
ECDIS (x3 Type Specific - Sperry Marine; Raytheon 24 and Sam Platinum); Bridge Team Management & Ship Handling; Brevetto 1 grado SUB; Brevetto assistente bagnanti FIM; Brevetto cintura nera JUDO; Patente guida B/A2; operatore antincendio boschivo;
Boat license
Power Boat (unlimited) (2023)
Not Qualified for sailboats

Boardings carried out

  • Period: 05/2023 - 09/2023
    Unit: M/T Zefirea 180mt
    Use, area: Oil tanker
    Role held: 3rd Deck Officer
    Main Tasks: Responsible for the navigation watch, cargo operations and mooring/unmooring of the ship during the hours 08:00/12:00 - 20:00/24:00; Deputy Officer in charge of Safety, responsible for the control and maintenance of all fixed and portable fire systems and equipment (portable CO2 and powder fire extinguishers, smoke and heat detection systems, EEBDs, B.A. and "firefighting team" equipment), lifeboats (Free-Fall and Rescue Boat), and all L.S.A. Responsible for on-board and crew accounting, for the preparation of all arrival and departure documents and for procedures relating to the embarkation/disembarkation of the ship's personnel.
  • Period: 11/2022 - 04/2023
    Unit: 180 mt - oil / chemical tanker
    Use, area: Calisa S.p.A - Ottavio Novella Group
    Role held: 3rd Deck Officer
    Main Tasks: Responsible for the navigation watch, cargo operations and mooring/unmooring of the ship during the hours 08:00/12:00 - 20:00/24:00; Deputy Officer in charge of Safety, responsible for the control and maintenance of all fixed and portable fire systems and equipment (portable CO2 and powder fire extinguishers, smoke and heat detection systems, EEBDs, B.A. and "firefighting team" equipment), lifeboats (Free-Fall and Rescue Boat), and all L.S.A. Responsible for on-board and crew accounting, for the preparation of all arrival and departure documents and for procedures relating to the embarkation/disembarkation of the ship's personnel.
  • Period: 03/2021 - 08/2021
    Unit: 180 mt - oil / chemical
    Use, area: Calisa S.p.A - Ottavio Novella Group
    Role held: all.uff. di coperta
    Main Tasks: Manutenzione nave, lavori manuali. Navigazione (radar, ECDIS, comunicazioni VHF, manovre ormeggio e disormeggio) Operazioni di gestione del carico Compilazione documenti e giornali di bordo
  • Period: 10/2020 - 02/2021
    Unit: 180 m - petroliera
    Use, area: Calisa S.p.A - Ottavio Novella Group
    Role held: Allievo Ufficiale di coperta
    Main Tasks: Manutenzione nave, lavori manuali. Navigazione (radar, ECDIS, comunicazioni VHF, manovre ormeggio e disormeggio) Operazioni di gestione del carico Compilazione documenti e giornali di bordo
  • Period: 10/2019 - 02/2020
    Unit: 180m - Petroliera
    Use, area: Calisa S.p.A - Ottavio Novella group
    Role held: Allievo Ufficiale di Coperta
    Main Tasks: Manutenzione nave, lavori manuali. Navigazione (radar, ECDIS, comunicazioni VHF, manovre ormeggio e disormeggio) Operazioni di gestione del carico Compilazione documenti e giornali di bordo

Who am I

  • ragazzo giovane, diplomato presso l'istituto Nautico di Imperia con una votazione di 80/100, molto determinato e deciso a intraprendere una carriera in mare sia su navi cargo che su imbarcazioni private
    Further Abilities
    brevetto sub 1 livello, abilità nell'utilizzo di strumenti e attrezzi manuali, smontaggio e montaggio di attrezzature ecc
    Soft skills
    ottima capacità di lavorare in squadra e relazionarmi con altre persone
    Organizational skills
    coordinamento e gestione del perosnale, mantenimento contabilità di bordo con spese equipaggio, organizzazione giornate di lavoro
    Technical skills
    ottime conoscenze informatiche, pacchetto Office & sistema iOS, ottime conoscenze delle varie strumentazioni nautiche fondamentali e delle varie pubblicazioni italiane e internazionali (Admiralty)