• Profile 52495
  • Registered: 04/16/2018
    Last seen: 02/13/2025
Current references:
  • Referees Captain
    season 2025
    unit S/Y Atlantis Pearl 47m
  • Referees Captain
    season 2024
    unit M/Y ORAS 52 m Sanlorenzo

Engine Manager
Engine Officer
Available from 02/14/2025
Currently under contract
Job offers received: 20
Citizenship: Turkey
Salary 6000-9000

Personal data
Single 42 years, Non-smoker
Resident in: MANISA Turkey
Sea experience
18 years 10 months
10 years on Seaman's Book
Seaman's book
1° category
Chief Engineer
approved: 2
Certificates of Competency
III/3 Y3 Chief Eng. (<500gt <3000kw)
MCA A.E.C. + Engineer Officer up to 3000 KW in all waters (III/1) + Cook Islands Chief Engineer up to 3000 KW (III/3)
Education, languages
Commercial Technical Institute
Turkish Italian English
IMO Courses / Certifications
STCW Basic Training (4 courses)
Advanced Firefighting
First Aid
Survival Craft and Rescue Boats (Not Fast)
Ship Security Officer
Awareness Famil. to Security
Engine room watchkeeping.
Boat license
Qualified for sailboats

Experience 18 years 10 months

  • Period: 09/2024 - 03/2025
    Unit: S/Y Atlantis Pearl 47m
    Use, area: Private yacht
    Role held: Chief Engineer
    Main Tasks: Relief Chief Engineer position. I help Captain for winter works during the ship yard period.
  • Period: 07/2022 - 03/2024
    Unit: M/Y ORAS 52 m Sanlorenzo
    Use, area: M/Y 1500 KW x 2
    Role held: Chief Engineer
    Main Tasks: Responsible of the boat generally. All technicial responsibilities,maintenance,troubleshooting,repair,cleaning. I was also Yacht manager on board as Owner's requests.
  • Period: 11/2021 - 12/2021
    Unit: S/Y DRUMBEAT 53m Alloy yachts CAT main engine (1044 KW) and Northern Lights generators
    Use, area: Commercial yacht
    Role held: Engineer Officer up to 3000 KW in all waters + MCA A.E.C.
    Main Tasks: All technicial responsibilities,maintenance,troubleshooting,repair,cleaning...
  • Period: 10/2021 - 11/2021
    Unit: M/Y HALARA 43m - Overmarine Mangusta MTU main engines (1040kwX2) and Kohler generators
    Use, area: Charter yacht
    Role held: Engineer Officer up to 3000 KW in all waters + MCA A.E.C.
    Main Tasks: Relief Chief Engineer position.
  • Period: 07/2021 - 10/2021
    Unit: M/Y CROCUS 48m Admiral CAT main engines (1417 KWx2) and Kohler generators
    Use, area: Private
    Role held: Engineer Officer up to 3000 KW in all waters + MCA A.E.C.
    Main Tasks: All technicial responsibilities,maintenance,troubleshooting,repair,cleaning...
  • Period: 04/2021 - 07/2021
    Unit: M/Y Alia 551 New build project 55m Alia Yachts
    Use, area: Private
    Role held: Engineer Officer up to 3000 KW in all waters + MCA A.E.C.
    Main Tasks: Project boat Chief Engineer
  • Period: 05/2019 - 09/2019
    Unit: M/Y X 43m SanlorenzoCAT main engines (970kw x2) and CAT generators
    Use, area: Private yacht
    Role held: Restricted Chief Engineer (750kw) + MCA A.E.C.
    Main Tasks: All technicial responsibilities,maintenance,troubleshooting,repair,cleaning...
  • Period: 04/2018 - 10/2018
    Unit: M/Y FOREVER 45m -Logica YachtsMAN main engines (1044kw x2) and KOHLER generators
    Use, area: Private yacht
    Role held: Restricted Chief Engineer (750kw) + MCA A.E.C.
    Main Tasks: All technicial responsibilities,maintenance,troubleshooting,repair,cleaning...
  • Period: 05/2017 - 08/2017
    Unit: S/Y PIROPO IV 46,5m - Perini NaviMTU main engines (442kw x2) and Northern Lights generators
    Use, area: commercial yacht
    Role held: Restricted Chief Engineer (750kw) + MCA A.E.C.
    Main Tasks: All technicial responsibilities,maintenance,troubleshooting,repair,cleaning...
  • Period: 04/2016 - 02/2017
    Unit: M/Y LADY IN BLUE 41m - Rossi Navi Wartsila main engines (780kw x2) and Onan generators
    Use, area: Private and charter yacht
    Role held: Restricted Engineer Officer (750kw) - Restricted Chief Engineer (750kw) + MCA A.E.C.
    Main Tasks: All technicial responsibilities,maintenance,troubleshooting,repair,cleaning...
  • Period: 05/2015 - 07/2015
    Unit: M/Y NEW STAR 30m - Benetti MTU main engines (1007kw x2) and Kohler generators
    Use, area: charter yacht
    Role held: Restricted Engineer Officer (750kw) - Restricted Chief Engineer (750kw) + MCA A.E.C.
    Main Tasks: All technicial responsibilities,maintenance,troubleshooting,repair,cleaning...
  • Period: 05/2011 - 12/2014
    Unit: M/Y GLADIATOR 33m - Ferretti MAN main engines (1000kw x2) and Kohler generators
    Use, area: Private yacht
    Role held: Restricted Engineer Officer (750kw) - Restricted Chief Engineer (750kw) + MCA A.E.C.
    Main Tasks: All technicial responsibilities,maintenance,troubleshooting,repair,cleaning...
  • Period: 07/2001 - 10/2010
    Unit: 05.05.09/05.08.09 - 20.10.2010/20.11.2010 M/S QS ATLANTIC main engines MAN (750 HP x2) and Kohler generators 36m15.01.10/12.10.10 M/Y STYRIA 1 main engines CAT (1200KW x2) and ONAN generators 35m08.08.09/02.01.10 M/Y WILD DUCK main engines MTU (260
    Use, area: commercial vessels and Private yacht
    Role held: Restricted Engineer Officer (750kw) - Restricted Chief Engineer (750kw) + MCA A.E.C.
    Main Tasks: All technicial responsibilities,maintenance,troubleshooting,repair,cleaning...

Skills and abilities

  • I don't smoke,I don't drink alcohol and I don't play gamble. I've calm character,easygoing and respectful to anyone. I'm hardworking,warmblooded,diligent and harmonical person. I like to work on board.I love oceans...
    Further Abilities
    I like to work at sea,sailing,engines and repair,overhaul,maintenance...
    Soft skills
    I like to help oter people as possible as I can. If I know about it I can help with glad.
    Organizational skills
    Yachting industry parties.
    Technical skills
    I know and have experience about computers PLC systems,AV,IT,TV and others. I have strong different types of engines,generators and propeller systems.