• Profile 69071
  • Registered: 10/05/2023
    Last seen: 11/29/2023

Deck Officer
Deckhand Deckhand Waiter
Uncertain availability
Job offers received: 0
Passport: Italy
Salary 2500

Personal data
Single 24 years, Non fumo
Resident in: Castel Volturno (CE) Italy
Sea experience
1 year 3 months
1 years 1 months on Seaman's Book
Seaman's book
1° category, Napoli, Officer Cadet
Certificates of Competency
NO Certificates of Competency
IMO Courses / Certifications
STCW Basic Training (4 courses)
Advanced Firefighting
First Aid
Pass. Ships Training
Awareness Famil. to Security
Ro/Ro Pass. Ships Training
Education, languages
Professional Marine School
Italian English
Boat license
NO Boat license
Qualified for sailboats
Qualified for sailboats

Boardings carried out

  • Period: 11/2021 - 02/2022
    Unit: San Carlos
    Use, area: Oil/chemical tanker
    Role held: Deck cadet
    Main Tasks: all tasks assigned by the 3 mate and the master, work on the command bridge and below deck, security and safety systems.
  • Period: 11/2020 - 01/2021
    Unit: San sebastian
    Use, area: Oil/chemical tanker
    Role held: Deck cadet
    Main Tasks: all tasks assigned by the 3 mate and the master, work on the command bridge and below deck, security and safety systems.
  • Period: 10/2019 - 05/2020
    Unit: San felix
    Use, area: Oil/chemical tanker
    Role held: Deck cadet
    Main Tasks: all tasks assigned by the 3 mate and the master, work on the command bridge and below deck, security and safety systems.

Personal info

  • il mio sogno sarebbe sì continuare la mia carriera a bordo sia per aiutare la mia famiglia economicamente sia per sostenermi , ambisco a diventare comandante di lungo corso , e di esercitare la mia mansione sulle navi da crociera . ho determinazione ambizione costanza e resistenza mentale . non mi lascio abbattere dalle difficoltà e dalla distanza dalla mia famiglia . La mia vita è il mare a qualunque costo. my dream would be to continue my career on board both to help my family financially and to support myself, I aspire to become a long-term captain and to carry out my duties on cruise ships. I have determination, ambition, perseverance and mental resistance. I don't let the difficulties and distance from my family get me down. My life is the sea at any cost
    Altre competenze acquisite nel corso della mia vita come aver lavorato come cameriere , istruttore di nuoto e anche come responsabile sicurezza Other skills acquired throughout my life such as having worked as a waiter, swimming instructor and also as a security manager
    ho una forte capacità relazionale con dipendenti ma sopratutto con persone , sono molto socievole e rispettoso , amo collaborare ma sopratutto di fronte ai problemi determinazione con la squadra ma anche individuale nei casi più estremi I have a strong relational ability with employees but above all with people, I am very sociable and respectful, I love to collaborate but above all when faced with problems, determination with the team but also individual in the most extreme cases
    capacità organizzative svariate anche perché essendo come sopracitato un ex responsabile sicurezza cordinavo io le operazioni di vigilanza turni e stipendi varied organizational skills also because, as mentioned above, being a former safety manager, I coordinated the supervisory operations of shifts and salaries
    conoscenza approfondita di tutti i sistemi Microsoft ma sopratutto del funzionamento dei sistemi di bordo in-depth knowledge of all Microsoft systems but above all of the functioning of on-board systems
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