• Profilo 18492
  • Registrazione: 04/11/2008
    Ultima visita: 17/02/2025

Comandante (CoC)
Skipper unità a vela Comandante
Disponibile dal 09/02/2025
Offerte di lavoro ricevute: 8
Cittadinanza: Italy
Compenso Non dichiarato

Dati personali
Sposato/a 60 anni, Non fumo
Residente a: Mogliano Veneto (TV) Italy
Esperienza di navigazione
28 anni
Libretto di navigazione
Titoli / Certificazioni (CoC)
MCA CoC Master ≤200gt
IYT Master of Yacht 200gt
II/2(Y) Master Code ≤200gt 150 nm
Master 200 GT unlimited IYT
Titolo di studio, lingue
Liceo Classico
Italiano Spagnolo Inglese Italiano
Corsi IMO / Certificazioni
STCW Basic Training (4 corsi)
First Aid
Medical care
Radar Obs./Plottin
Patente nautica
Patente Vela/Motore SL (2000)
Esperienza di vela

Esperienza 28 anni

  • Periodo: 04/2024 - 09/2024
    Unità: Catamaran lagoon 77 J. Sparrow
    Utilizzo, zona: Commercial yacht Tirrenian sea,Greece
    Ruolo ricoperto: Captain
    Mansioni e responsabilità: Responsable of navigation ,maintenance and crew
  • Periodo: 06/2023 - 12/2023
    Unità: M/y Riva duchessa 92 Anything goes IV
    Utilizzo, zona: Commercial yacht charter season
    Ruolo ricoperto: master
    Mansioni e responsabilità: Boat manager,captain of the boat
  • Periodo: 02/2022 - 06/2023
    Unità: 30 mt
    Utilizzo, zona: Wally 100 commercial yacht Running on Faith
    Ruolo ricoperto: master
    Mansioni e responsabilità: Navigation manager. Complete management of the vessel - budget and business plan. Charter season in Med
  • Periodo: 01/2015 - 12/2021
    Unità: dutch woodden boat 24 mt. Just my Way
    Utilizzo, zona: commercial
    Ruolo ricoperto: comandante
    Mansioni e responsabilità: total boat management, management with shipyards, management with charter companies
  • Periodo: 01/2012 - 12/2014
    Unità: sail yacht 70 feet Grand Betise
    Utilizzo, zona: soc charter anemosailing
    Ruolo ricoperto: master
    Mansioni e responsabilità: boat managment
  • Periodo: 03/2008 - 10/2011
    Unità: sail/motor yacht 20-24 metri
    Utilizzo, zona: charter
    Ruolo ricoperto: master
    Mansioni e responsabilità: charter Med/carribean season with anemosaling charter company
  • Periodo: 01/2010 - 12/2010
    Unità: sail yacht 60 feet
    Utilizzo, zona: soc. charter Ventomare
    Ruolo ricoperto: master
    Mansioni e responsabilità: total management of the yacht, during charter season. More 7000 miles during all season
  • Periodo: 03/2007 - 12/2009
    Unità: 70 feet sail yacht
    Utilizzo, zona: Charter Greece
    Ruolo ricoperto: master
    Mansioni e responsabilità: boat management
  • Periodo: 04/2008 - 11/2009
    Unità: sail yacht 60 feet
    Utilizzo, zona: commercial yacht
    Ruolo ricoperto: master/chef
    Mansioni e responsabilità: boat management
  • Periodo: 03/2009 - 11/2009
    Unità: sail yacht 60 feet
    Utilizzo, zona: soc. charter Ventomare
    Ruolo ricoperto: master
    Mansioni e responsabilità: boat management during charter/regatta season
  • Periodo: 01/2006 - 12/2006
    Unità: Sail yacht/motor yacht 80/100 piedi
    Utilizzo, zona: Commercial yacht charter season med/carribean
    Ruolo ricoperto: master
    Mansioni e responsabilità: boat and crew management
  • Periodo: 01/1998 - 12/2005
    Unità: sail yacht 60/70 feet
    Utilizzo, zona: private owners
    Ruolo ricoperto: master
    Mansioni e responsabilità: skipper/chef

Capacità e competenze

  • I am 59 years old, with a high school diploma, a freelancer. I discovered my passion for the sea 30 years ago. I have been working as a full-time skipper/captain for 20 years. I have sailed boats up to 100 feet sailing throughout the Mediterranean (from Croatia to Greece, from Turkey to Spain) and the Caribbean. On board, in addition to being skipper, I am usually also a cook and I take care of the management of guests, galley, etc. Excellent interpersonal skills with the owners and with the customers on board. Over the years, I have gained great experience in luxury charter by collaborating with the most prestigious international agencies in the MYBA circuit (references on request). This has allowed me to work with an international and very demanding clients and accordingly forced me to have very high standards on care and maintenance of the boats on which I worked.
    Competenze professionali
    I have been sailing for about 30 years. I know very well all the problems inherent to the management of sailing and motor boats. Good manual skills and experience in the processing of fiber glass resins and system maintenance. Unlimited sailing and motor license, master of yacht 200 GT / OOW 500 Gt, diving license, good English and good Spanish. Over the years I have managed 70/100 foot boats. I have sailed as a skipper and assistant skipper, initially as a hobby, then since 2000 as a job, throughout the Mediterranean and Caribbean. For 4 years I managed a 70 footer with which I sailed throughout Greece. Currently captain of a 30 m motor yacht. commercial - Available with my wife to help skipper/cook on transfers, seasonal or permanent boarding, both in Italy and abroad.
    Capacità relazionali
    I have excellent interpersonal skills, I work well in a team and I adapt easily to any situation. Good team builder. Pretty good as a cook
    Competenze organizzative
    I have managed 70/100 foot boats, following their refitting in every detail
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