Application for Job-Offer
The offers always refer to both genders. Sometimes, however, the accommodations on board may oblige to select gender
Search ID: 10197 - 06/20/2024
Steward(ess) for commercial M/Y 28M Italian Flag
  • Immediate Boarding - 10/15/2024
  • Salary: € 2,500-€ 3,000
  • Job description: Per M/Y 28M commerciale a bandiera Italiana di base a Gaeta cerchiamo Steward(ess). per imbarco regolare a Libretto. L'unità è commerciale ma non effettuerà noleggio e navigherà in Tirreno. Equipaggio di 4 in totale. Indispensabili Libretto di Navigazione, Corsi Basic Training e Biennale Medica (ENG1)
    Mandatory requirements: Seafarer's Registration certificate (SRC) and seaman's book
    STCW Basic Training (4 courses)
    Contract: Seaman's Book Contract
Position Closed
This selection has been ended