• Profile 71344
  • Registered: 06/03/2024
    Last seen: 10/27/2024

Chief Engineer
Chief Engineer
Uncertain availability
Job offers received: 2
Citizenship: Italy
Salary Not declared

Personal data
Married 51 years, Non-smoker
Resident in: Pozzallo (RG) Italy
Sea experience
13 years 10 months
14 years on Seaman's Book
Seaman's book
1° category
Pozzallo Italy
Chief Engineer
Certificates of Competency
Dir. Macchina Diporto (Yachts ≥ 3000 Kw)
III/2 Chief Engineer Unlimited
Education, languages
Nautical Institute
Italian English
IMO Courses / Certifications
STCW Basic Training (4 courses)
Advanced Firefighting
First Aid
Survival Craft and Rescue Boats (Not Fast)
Awareness Famil. to Security
Boat license
Power Boat Coastal (2005)
Qualified for sailboats

Experience 13 years 10 months

  • Period: 08/2010 - 05/2024
    Unit: Ocean Tug Supply
    Use, area: World wide
    Role held: Chief/ Engineer / Direttore di Macchina
    Main Tasks: Responsable engine room staff and crew

Skills and abilities

  • Sono un Direttore di Macchina e vorrei avvicinarmi a mondo del diporto per amore personale verso questo tipologia di mezzi.
    Soft skills
    Organizational skills
  • Attached documents available for reading
  • Other document
    Issuing date: 06/03/2024