• Profilo 67708
  • Registrazione: 12/05/2023
    Ultima visita: 12/05/2023

Skipper unità a vela Cameriere Secondo Cuoco Cuoco Baby Sitter Steward Capo Steward
Disponibilità incerta
Offerte di lavoro ricevute: 0
Passaporto: Italy
Compenso Non dichiarato

Dati personali
Single 28 anni, Non fumo
Residente a: Mondovì (CN) Italy
Esperienza di navigazione
1 mese
Libretto di navigazione
Titoli / Certificazioni (CoC)
Titolo di studio, lingue
Italiano Inglese Francese Spagnolo
Corsi IMO / Certificazioni
First Aid
Patente nautica
Competenze alberghiere
• Lavanderia & Stireria • HACCP • Corso Massaggi • Insegnante • Esperienza in ristoranti • Corso Sommelier • Corso Bartender
Esperienza di vela

Esperienza 1 mese

  • Periodo: 09/2022 - 09/2022
    Unità: 18m
    Utilizzo, zona: sailing boat in Liguria sea
    Ruolo ricoperto: steward
    Mansioni e responsabilità: steward and host

Capacità e competenze

  • I have a strong desire to continuously learn and actively participate, coupled with a genuine passion for connecting with people. Additionally, I possess exceptional culinary talents and skills. If you would like to explore further, I invite you to visit my LinkedIn profile, where you can find comprehensive details about my experiences and qualifications.
    Competenze professionali
    Juggling two distinct enterprises, one during the summer season and the other during the winter season, has afforded me valuable insights and practical know-how in working directly with customers and running a company. Moreover, my academic background in economics has equipped me with the necessary skills to make strategic decisions on how to best allocate resources, as well as how to efficiently manage my time and responsibilities. By leveraging my education and practical experience, I am well-prepared to take on new challenges and succeed in various professional contexts.
    Capacità relazionali
    Due to my experience as a ski instructor, working in various bars and restaurants, and managing the sales department of my business, I consider myself to possess exceptional interpersonal skills.
    Competenze organizzative
    As demonstrated above, I believe I have excellent organizational skills.
    Competenze tecniche
    Graduated in Economics and Business from the University of Turin. Proficient in the Microsoft Office suite. Ski instructor. Certified cycling tour instructor and guide. Licensed for food and beverage service
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