• Profile 66605
  • Registered: 02/08/2023
    Last seen: 05/03/2023
  • Shipmaster
  • Married 35 y.o. Non smoker
    Resident in: MESSINA (ME) Italy
    Passport: Italy
  • Available for additional task(s) as:
  • Uncertain availability
  • Fully Vaccinated against Covid-19
  • Expected salary:
  • Job Offers Received: 2
  • Speaking: Italian English
  • Education: Nautical Institute
  • Certificates of Competency:
    Comandante del diporto - Yachts ≥3000GT II/2 CoC Master ≥3000gt 1Cl.
  • IMO Courses / Qualifications
    STCW Basic Training (4 courses)
    Advanced Firefighting
    Medical care
    Survival Craft and Rescue Boats (Not Fast)
    Radar Obs./Plottin
    Radar A.R.P.A.
    Ship Security Officer
    ECDIS (Electronic Chart)
    Crisis Management
    PDSD (Security Duties)
    Bridge Team Work
    Pass. Ships Training
    Crowd Management Training
    Awareness Famil. to Security
    High Speed Craft
    Ro/Ro Pass. Ships Training
    Ecdis: Transas4000/5000 , Nacos 5, Platinum
  • Registered in 1° category in Messina as: Master
    8 years on Seaman's Book
  • Navigation experience: 9 years 9 months
  • NOT qualified for sailboats
  • Ship License issued in: 2023
  • There are no attachments available
  • Additional info
  • Personal Notes
    Sono un Comandante >3000 GT , ho seguito tutti gli itinerari della carriera di lungo corso, acquisendo molteplici esperienze su diverse tipologie di navi ed imbarcazioni. Vorrei continuare questo cammino ad approfondire ed evolvere professionalmente.
  • Competencies
    Gestione e condotta sulla sicurezza della navigazione, della nave e del suo equipaggio, gestione del carico/scarico merci e trasporto passeggeri, Gestione di security, Programmazione e Valutazione dei lavori di manutenzione della Nave, Valutazione dei rischi ed utilizzo di SMS (Safety Management System). La Conoscenza di Lingue straniere Come L’Inglese (lingua di lavoro usata a bordo per Navi da crociere), e lavorando a stretto contatto con equipaggi con più di 50 nazionalità diverse mi hanno permesso di incrementare le mie capacità di lavoro in squadra e mi hanno insegnato ad adattarmi facilmente ai diversi ecosistemi professionali.
  • Soft skills
    Empatia e rispetto, pazienza, cordialità, automotivazione, adattabilità, responsabilità, fiducia e onestà, capacità di lavorare sotto pressione in situazioni di stress in modo da affrontare situazioni difficili con razionalità.
  • Organizational skills
    Capacità Manageriali di Leadership e lavoro di squadra creando un piano operativo concordato da tutti i membri del team sfruttando ciascuna capacità personale. Capacità analitiche con osservazione e considerazioni personali. Capacità organizzative e di gestione dei tempi, svolgere attività lavorative e stabilire priorità. Capacità di autogestione svolgere I propri obbiettivi senza alcuna supervisione.
  • Technical skills
    word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Google Drive, Web, Social Media.
  • Sea experience
  • Period: 03/2022 - 09/2022
    Unit: 35 mt GT 230 - HP 2000x2
    Intended use, area: Aliscafi e Monocarena HSC - Isole Eolie
    Role held: 1st Officer
    Main Tasks: 1st Officer duty
  • Period: 09/2021 - 02/2022
    Unit: 290 mt GT 86.000
    Intended use, area: Carnival Cruise Line
    Role held: 2nd Officer
    Main Tasks: 2nd Officer duty
  • Period: 03/2021 - 07/2021
    Unit: 290 mt GT 86.000
    Intended use, area: Carnival Cruise Line
    Role held: 2nd Officer
    Main Tasks: 2nd Officer duty
  • Period: 01/2021 - 02/2021
    Unit: 147 mt GT 5700
    Intended use, area: RoRo Pax - RFI - Sicilia/Calabria
    Role held: 1st Officer
    Main Tasks: 1st Officer duty
  • Period: 11/2020 - 12/2020
    Unit: 35 mt Aliscafo HSC , HP 2000x2 GT 230
    Intended use, area: Aliscafi e monocarena HSC - Isole Eolie
    Role held: 1st Officer
    Main Tasks: 1st Officer duty
  • Period: 06/2020 - 09/2020
    Unit: 305 mt GT 128.000
    Intended use, area: Carnival Cruise Line
    Role held: 2nd Officer
    Main Tasks: 2nd Officer duty
  • Period: 09/2019 - 01/2020
    Unit: 262 mt GT 70.000
    Intended use, area: Carnival Cruise Line
    Role held: 2nd Officer
    Main Tasks: 2nd Officer duty
  • Period: 03/2019 - 07/2019
    Unit: 290 mt GT 110.000
    Intended use, area: Carnival Cruise Line
    Role held: 2nd Officer
    Main Tasks: 2nd Officer duty
  • Period: 09/2018 - 01/2019
    Unit: 290 mt GT 110.000
    Intended use, area: Carnival Cruise Line
    Role held: 2nd Officer
    Main Tasks: 2nd Officer duty
  • Period: 02/2018 - 06/2018
    Unit: 290 mt GT 110.000
    Intended use, area: Carnival Cruise Line
    Role held: 3rd Officer
    Main Tasks: 3rd Officer duty
  • Period: 07/2017 - 12/2017
    Unit: 290 mt GT 96.000
    Intended use, area: Carnival Cruise Line
    Role held: 3rd Officer
    Main Tasks: 3rd Officer duty
  • Period: 05/2017 - 06/2017
    Unit: 80 mt 1400 GT
    Intended use, area: RoRo Ferries
    Role held: 1st Officer
    Main Tasks: 1st Officer duty
  • Period: 07/2016 - 11/2016
    Unit: 80 mt 1400 GT
    Intended use, area: RORO pax - Ferries
    Role held: 1st Officer
    Main Tasks: 1st Officer duty
  • Period: 12/2015 - 02/2016
    Unit: 150 mt 8700 GT
    Intended use, area: RoRo
    Role held: 2nd Officer
    Main Tasks: 2nd Officer duty
  • Period: 04/2014 - 10/2014
    Unit: 130 mt 7000 GT
    Intended use, area: RoRo
    Role held: 2nd Officer
    Main Tasks: 2nd Officer duty
  • Period: 10/2013 - 12/2013
    Unit: 150 mt 8700 GT
    Intended use, area: RoRo
    Role held: 2nd Officer
    Main Tasks: 2nd Officer duty
  • Period: 01/2013 - 06/2013
    Unit: 250 mt 40.000 GT
    Intended use, area: Bulk Carrier
    Role held: 3rd Officer
    Main Tasks: 3rd Officer duty
  • Period: 09/2012 - 12/2012
    Unit: 150 mt 8700 GT
    Intended use, area: RoRo
    Role held: 3rd Officer
    Main Tasks: 3rd Officer duty
  • Period: 02/2012 - 07/2012
    Unit: 130 mt 7000 GT
    Intended use, area: RoRo
    Role held: 3rd Officer
    Main Tasks: 3rd Officer duty
  • Period: 07/2011 - 11/2011
    Unit: 130 mt 7000 GT
    Intended use, area: RORO
    Role held: 3rd Officer
    Main Tasks: 3rd Officer duty
  • Period: 04/2011 - 06/2011
    Unit: 200 mt 26.000 gt
    Intended use, area: RoRo Paz
    Role held: deck cadet
    Main Tasks: deck cadet duty
  • Period: 05/2010 - 07/2010
    Unit: 180 mt 25.000 GT
    Intended use, area: tanker ship
    Role held: deck cadet
    Main Tasks: deck cadet duty
  • Period: 03/2010 - 04/2010
    Unit: 180 mt 23.000 GT
    Intended use, area: tanker ship
    Role held: deck cadet
    Main Tasks: deck cadet duty
  • Period: 07/2009 - 10/2009
    Unit: 180 mt 25.000 gt
    Intended use, area: tanker ship
    Role held: deck cadet
    Main Tasks: deck cadet duty
  • Period: 12/2008 - 03/2009
    Unit: 180 mt 25.000 GT
    Intended use, area: Tanker ship
    Role held: deck Cadet
    Main Tasks: deck cadet duty
  • Period: 03/2008 - 07/2008
    Unit: 180 mt 25.000 GT
    Intended use, area: Tanker Ship
    Role held: deck cadet
    Main Tasks: deck cadet duty
  • Period: 06/2006 - 08/2006
    Unit: MY 18 mt - HP 750
    Intended use, area: private MY Eolian Island
    Role held: mozzo
    Main Tasks: assistenza ormeggi, controlli e verifiche interne, operazioni di bunkeraggio, rassetto e pulizia , trasporto tender. ecc