• Profilo 59758
  • Registrazione: 11/10/2020
    Ultima visita: 11/10/2020

Marinaio Cuoco Secondo Cuoco
Disponibilità incerta
Offerte di lavoro ricevute: 1
Passaporto: Italia
Compenso Non dichiarato

Dati personali
Single 32 anni, Non fumo
Residente a: Genova (GE) Francia
Esperienza di navigazione
7 mesi
Libretto di navigazione
NO Libretto di Navigazione
Titoli / Certificazioni (CoC)
NO Titoli / Certificazioni
Corsi IMO / Certificazioni
STCW Basic Training (4 corsi)
Titolo di studio, lingue
Istituto Alberghiero
Inglese Italiano Spagnolo Portoghese
Patente nautica
NO patente nautica
Competenze alberghiere
• Esperienza in ristoranti
Esperienza di vela
NO esperienza di vela

Imbarchi effettuati

  • Periodo: 03/2019 - 09/2019
    Unità: 37m motor catamaran diving liveaboard
    Utilizzo, zona: commercial
    Ruolo ricoperto: STCW, PSA, PDSD, AEC, VHF, PBL2, PWC
    Mansioni e responsabilità: washdown, diving equipment organization and cooking for up to 48 guests and 15 crew

Note personali

  • I am determined to focus on beginning a career aboard yachts as a deckhand then eventually progressing to OOW by taking the opportunity to learn from seniors on board and completing courses along the way. Additionally I am passionate about becoming a dive and kite instructor. I am a hard worker and proactive team player with good humour and a positive mind set. I respond effectively to orders, able to work under pressure and I hold myself to high standars
    I have discipline, polite and very friendly. I can paint, varnish, do washdown, scuba diving gear handling and maintenance
    i can work as a team and also I am able to work by myself and looking for something to do
    in-water activities organization
    able to use all sort of different tools
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    Data di emissione: 31/12/2023